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Problem about QV analysis for buses having switched shunts

asked Oct 30 '14

christanbull86 gravatar image

Dear friends,

Is it possible to run QV analysis for buses having in-serviced switched shunts? I can't run QV analysis for such these buses and PSSE forced me to lock switched shunts of those buses but I need to observe the QV curves of buses having in-service switched shunts.

Please help me. Thank you so much in advanced.

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answered Oct 30 '14

jconto gravatar image

updated Nov 2 '14

Yes, it is possible, using python, outside the QV module in PSSe. I copied the code posted at "" and re-arranged it for this task. The zip file contains the code and a savnw case (good for v.32 and 33) with in-serviced switched shunts at bus 153. Adjust the parameters of the code to fit your scenario.


[click on link, select image icon on top left screen and right-click to "save image as" for saving it to your pc. Once downloaded, replace its extension from gif to zip and unzip it]

Inside the QV module in PSSe, set to 1 the item 3 in the LFoption list to allow shunt switching!!



Thank you so much for your help. It works as I wish. However, QV characteristics of buses having switched shunts were plotted in base case MODE as I understand. Is it possible to plot the QV curves in this case with contingency MODE?

christanbull86 gravatar imagechristanbull86 (Oct 31 '14)

The plotting works for both modes. To get the QV response under contingency, load the case, apply the contingency, solve and save. Use this 'new' case as input to the QV_calc script.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Oct 31 '14)

I got it. Once again thank you very much dear friend.

christanbull86 gravatar imagechristanbull86 (Nov 1 '14)

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Asked: Oct 30 '14

Seen: 893 times

Last updated: Nov 01 '14