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How to plot Fault current waveform in PSSE

asked Oct 26 '14

JGunda gravatar image

Hi, I am doing short circuit analysis of IEEE test networks in PSSE. When I use IEC or ANSI based short circuit analysis it just outputting the final current magnitudes. But I want to plot the fault current waveform. I also tried doing dynamic simulation and try to plot the fault current. But in the channel output section I can find only predefined variables such as Vref, Angle, Frequency.....etc. But I did not find the fault current parameter to map to the channel output. Ultimately I want to match the short circuit results of PSSE with Simulink.

I am vey new to PSSE and any help is greatly appreciated.


If I don't remeber it wrong, PSSE just return rms values, even in dynamic simulation so waveform current is impossible to achieve. You can try another software such as PSCAD. In case you just want to see the power flowing through branches during fault, P(flow) may be a good choice.

Cao Huy gravatar imageCao Huy (Oct 27 '14)

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answered Oct 28 '14

jconto gravatar image

updated Oct 28 '14

IEC or ANSI short circuit activities are for steady state calculation of short circuit studies, therefore, they do output only maximum values of currents without waveform since there is no time simulation involved.

As Cao Huy said, in a dynamic simulation, current rms values trends can be plotted. There is a channel (Iterm, available in the channel wizard menu) for the terminal current of a generator. For other elements, you can calculate the current (using functions in PSSPLT) from ready available channels (from P, Q flows, get S and together with V, calculate I). Another option is to export channels to excel for further process and plotting.


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Asked: Oct 26 '14

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Last updated: Oct 27 '14