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How to tune parameters for SVC models CSVGN1 and CSSCST

asked 2014-08-12 08:50:08 -0600

JS14 gravatar image

What is the best way to tune parameters such as the gain (K), time constants (T1 to T4) and the capacitor\reactor size for the SVC models CSVGN1 (generator model) and CSSCST (switched shunt model) in PSS/E? I am getting an error of initial conditions suspect for the first regulator (state K) for the models. When I increase the time constant T3 to 10 the DSTATE error reduces to about 0.004 but there is an overshoot in the voltage and the initial conditions suspect error is still there. Can you give me typical parameters that I can use on a small SVC (rating of about -0.3/0.3, -0.1/0.1 or -1/1)?

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answered 2014-08-15 13:45:14 -0600

Hi Generally, a K state error for SVC or excitation system indicates that the there is a difference between the actual voltage (Vt/Ecomp) and Vref (or Vsetpoint) i.e the device is against it's limit and cannot attain its setpoint. The resulting difference will lead to a K state error on initialization. This should be corrected in loadflow, use the limit reports (GENS) to find out if there is a difference and then change the setpoint in loadlfow to ensure that the device is within its Q limits. Check also if you are using remote bus voltage control which may place the device against it's Q limits.

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Asked: 2014-08-12 08:50:08 -0600

Seen: 2,584 times

Last updated: Aug 15 '14