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Get list of owners

asked Jul 29 '14

José gravatar image

I need a list of all owners to use on atrnint.
I am using aownerint(sid_Uy_500, 2, 'NUMBER') and I get ierr = 2 ("Invalid SID value").
The subsystem is defined with psspy.bsys(sid_Uy_500, 1, [500, 500], len(nums_areas_Uy), nums_areas_Uy, 0, [], 0, [], 0, []), I get ierr = 0 ("No error") and it is used with no problems in abusint(sid_Uy_500, 2, 'NUMBER') Any help?

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answered Jul 30 '14

Eli Pack gravatar image

I can't think of a good reason why the SID will work with abusint(), but not with aownerint(). Have you called bsys() immediately before aownerint(), because maybe your sidUy500 variable is out of scope? Try printing it right before you use it. Or, if you just need a list of "all owners", try using -1 as the SID flag:

aownerint(-1, 2, 'NUMBER')



I could get all owners using -1 as the SID flag, thanks!

José gravatar imageJosé (Jul 30 '14)

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Asked: Jul 29 '14

Seen: 290 times

Last updated: Jul 29 '14