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How to interrupt loads below a given bus voltage threshold in PSS\E using python

asked Jun 4 '14

anonymous user


updated Jun 5 '14

How can I interrupt loads at a bus when the voltage is below a given threshold in PSS\E using python during dynamic simulations? The load is then reconnected back after a certain period of time. Below is a sample of the code that I am trying to develop. Let me know if there’s a better way to do it or how I can make this code to work.

#Check the bus voltages that are higher than 1.1 p.u and lower than 0.9 p.u

#Run a command which interrupts loads if the voltage is below 0.9 p.u by changing the status of the load model from in service to out of service
for n in range(1,20):  # list of bus numbers
if psspy.set_vltscn(1,1.1,0.9) < 0.9: # if voltage is below 0.9
   psspy.ldmod_status2(i,'id',1,0)   # interrupt load at that bus. Where i is bus number, 'id' is the load identifier, 1 is the load model type and 0 is the new model status indicating out of service

#Run to 1 second,1,1000,1,0)

#Reconnect the load after a certain period of time (1 sec in this case)

 #Run to 10 seconds,10,1000,1,0)

 # Halt pss\e

1 answer

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answered Jun 4 '14

jconto gravatar image

updated Jun 6 '14

For dynamic studies a better way is to use the voltage load shedding model from the PSSe standard library, LVSHxx. This model is added to the dyr file with no need for programming code. The model, with three-stage shedding, allows triggering voltage values, delay of relay, delay of breaker and fraction of load to be shed. An example applicable to all loads in an area follows:

/ Area,'LBSHAL',Lid,JBUS, v1,t1, f1, v2,t2, f2, v3,t3, f3,tb,/TO-Station name

 1,'LVSHAR','*',   0,0.93, 8,0.15,0.91, 5,0.25,0.87, 2,0.35,0.0833,/all loads in area 1

The above example does not cover the condition of reconnecting the load after a fixed time, nor the case of dropping load on overvoltage (?? as your code suggest). You will need to add such 'functions' programmatically, since I am now aware of a specific model in the standard model library for those conditions. A user-defined model for this SPS-like behavior (a reclosure of load) could be the solution, unfortunately, a much more difficult task to do.


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Asked: Jun 4 '14

Seen: 1,175 times

Last updated: Jun 05 '14