I have run the Export to Excel and created a macro in a workbook. How can I call this macro using Python?
I have run the Export to Excel and created a macro in a workbook. How can I call this macro using Python?
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I have run the Export to Excel and created a macro in a workbook. How can I call this macro using Python?
I've done this a few times actually. What I end up doing is closing the file via excelPy, and then reopening it with win32com, and running the macro there. Assuming your macro name is "MacroName", your excel file is "xlsfile" and it is located at "THISFOLDER":
# Close excel file
testxls = excelpy.workbook(xlsfile)
# Open excel file via win32com
import win32com.client as win32
xl = win32.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
xl.Visible = True
ss = xl.Workbooks.Open(THISFOLDER + "\\" + xlsfile)
Asked: May 16 '14
Seen: 1,832 times
Last updated: May 19 '14