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Wind variation with respect to time

asked Apr 24 '14

anonymous user


Hello , I have been doing dynamic simulations for the savnw case provided by PSSE using the GUI. I have introduced a Wind Turbine( WT4) at a bus and have attained the frequency response at that bus with a phenomena of sudden loss of generation at 10 seconds. I attained fairly descent plots of the frequency response and power of the wind. The Power (MW) graph shows steady state till 9 seconds and then drops at the 10th second where I created the event ( sudden loss of generation) and it stabilizes back after sometime. When I plot the wind velocity against time, I get a a flat line at 0, which shows that wind velocity isn't changing, which is not a practical scenario, as power generated from a wind turbine is never a constant value, it changes with the change in input which is the wind velocity ( as wind velocity varies with time). Hence I am trying to implement a scenario where my wind velocity changes with time and hence the wind turbines Pgen will also change with time as observed in a real situation. I have several questions to ask as I am unable to implement it :

  1. Do we need to use both Conec and/ or Conect subroutines to implement such kind of dynamic simulation in the time domain?
  2. I am unable to understand what Fortran code I'm supposed to write?
  3. Do I write it in the existing conec.flx file that is provided by PSSE?
  4. I am using GUI, how and where do I build these conec files?Is it in the command prompt that is present at the very bottom ( under the Output window) in the GUI or elsewhere?

I have read the POM and PAGV2, I understand a little bit, but I desperately need help from someone who can give me a brief explanation of the steps to be implemented to attain the time domain simulation where my wind velocity changes with respect t o time and is not a Constant.

Thank You very very much, I am eagerly waiting for your response.

1 answer

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answered Dec 2 '1

Tran Huu Phuc gravatar image

There is a model that can change wind velocity and model in PSS/E as a GUST. The model only can be run with PSS/E version above 34. Here is some example model that you can add to your .dyr file

  991061    'USRMDL'    1   'GEWTGCU1'  101 1   2   18  3   3   200 0   1.5 0.8 0.5 0.9 1.22    1.2 2   0.4 0.8 10  0.02    0   0   0.5 0.167   0.9 0.925   0   /                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
991061  'USRMDL'    1   'GEWTECU1'  102 0   9   67  18  16  191061  0   1   0   0   191061  991061  '1' 1   0.15    18  5   0   0   0.05    3   0.85    1   0.04    0.298   -0.298  1.12    0.02    0.45    -0.45   60  0.1 0.9 1.1 40  0.5 1.45    0.05    0.05    1   0.15    0.96    0.996   1.004   1.04    1   0.95    0.95    0.4 1   0.2 1   0.25    -1  15  25  3   -0.9    8   0.2 10  1   1.7 1.12    1.25    5   0   0   0   0.0025  1   5.5 0.1 -1  0.1 0   0.1 -0.1    0.7 0.12    -0.12   /
991061  'USRMDL'    1   'GEWT2MU1'  103 0   1   5   4   3   0   9   0   0   1.246   1.5 /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
991061  'USRMDL'    1   'GEWTPTU1'  104 0   2   10  3   3   0   0   0.3 150 25  3   30  -4  27  -10 10  1   /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
991061  'USRMDL'    1   'GEWTARU1'  105 0   1   9   1   4   0   20  0   27  -4  0   1.225   35.25   72  1200    /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
991061  'USRMDL'    1   'GEWTGDU1'  106 0   1   6   0   4   0   25  60  12  8   13  -12 /

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Asked: Apr 24 '14

Seen: 2,480 times

Last updated: Dec 02 '21