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Exporting Power flow data to excel

asked Apr 1 '14

lmcvey21 gravatar image

I am performing a fnsl on a psse model. Once the power flow is complete the data is displayed on the Python shell window. I need to export this data into an excel file and was hoping someone could give me some pointers of how to do this?



Can you please expand on exactly what data you are looking to export? Pretty much any data you might be looking for will be available for export, but doing so may be vastly different for different types of data.

EBahr gravatar imageEBahr (Apr 4 '14)

I need the bus number and new voltage at the bus

lmcvey21 gravatar imagelmcvey21 (Apr 7 '14)

1 answer

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answered Apr 6 '14

Nihal Mohan gravatar image

updated Apr 6 '14


There is one very good method given in this forum itself, search for "Export PSSE Data to Excel" from Otc 15th 2012 post. Not sure if that will help u, but worth watching.




Nihal Mohan gravatar imageNihal Mohan (Apr 6 '14)

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Asked: Apr 1 '14

Seen: 2,055 times

Last updated: Apr 06 '14