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Is this IEEE 39 bus dyr file right?

asked Mar 5 '14

SC gravatar image

Follows my question from, I converted dyd to dyr (dyr codes are shown as below). I ran on both PSS/E 32 and 33, encountered problems as point 1 and 2.

1.With PSS/E33, I am able to initialize it, but could not run it.

2.With PSS/E32 when I initialize it, it crashed.

30 'GENROU'  1      10.200       0.30000E-1   1.5000      0.40000E-01
   4.2000       0.0000       1.0000       0.6900      0.3100    
   0.3100       0.2000       0.1250       0.0000      0.0000    /
31 'GENROU'  1      6.5600       0.30000E-1   1.5000      0.40000E-01
   3.0300       0.0000       2.9500       2.8200      0.6970    
   0.6970       0.2000       0.3500       0.0000      0.0000    /
32 'GENROU'  1      5.7000       0.30000E-1   1.5000      0.40000E-01
   3.5800       0.0000       2.4950       2.3700      0.5310    
   0.5310       0.2000       0.3040       0.0000      0.0000    / 
33 'GENROU'  1      5.6900       0.30000E-1   1.5000      0.40000E-01
  2.8600       0.0000       2.6200       2.5800      0.4360  
   0.4360       0.2000       0.2950       0.0000      0.0000    /
34 'GENROU'  1      5.4000       0.30000E-1   0.4400      0.40000E-01 
   2.6000      0.0000       6.7000       6.2000      1.3200    /
   1.3200      0.2000       0.5400       0.0000      0.0000
35 'GENROU'  1      7.3000       0.30000E-1   0.4000      0.40000E-01 
   3.4800      0.0000       2.5400       2.4100      0.5000  
   0.5000      0.2000       0.2240       0.0000      0.0000    /
36 'GENROU'  1      5.6600       0.30000E-1   1.5000      0.40000E-01
   2.6400      0.0000       2.9500       2.9200      0.4900
   0.4900      0.2000       0.3220       0.0000      0.0000    /
37 'GENROU'  1      6.7000       0.30000E-1   0.4100      0.40000E-01
   2.4300      0.0000       2.9000       2.8000      0.5700 
   0.5700      0.2000       0.2800       0.0000      0.0000    /
38 'GENROU'  1      4.7900       0.30000E-1   1.9600      0.40000E-01
   3.4500      0.0000       2.1060       2.0500      0.5700 
   0.5700      0.2000       0.2980       0.0000      0.0000    /
39 'GENROU'  1      7.0000       0.30000E-1   0.7000      0.40000E-01 
   50.000      0.0000       0.2000       0.1900      0.0600  
   0.0600      0.0200       0.0300       0.0000      0.0000    /
30 'IEEEX1'  1      0.0          5.0000       0.060000    0.0 
    0.0         5.0000       -5.0000      -0.050000   0.250000 
    0.040000    1.000000     0.0          1.7000      0.500000 
    3.0000      2.0000                         /
31 'IEEEX1'  1      0.0          6.2000       0.050000    0.0 
    0.0         5.2000       -5.0000      0.630000    0.410000 
    0.060000    0.500000     0.0          3.0000      0.660000 
    4.0000      0.880000                       /
32 'IEEEX1'  1      0.0          5.0000       0.060000    0.0 
    0.0         5.0000       -5.0000      -0.020000   0.500000 
    0.080000    1.000000     0.0          3.0000      0.130000 
    4.0000      0.340000                       /
33 'IEEEX1'  1      0.0          5.0000       0.060000    0.0 
    0.0         5.0000       -5.0000      -0.050000 ...


Found the error, "/" in 34 'GENROU' should be placed at the end. Now it runs

SC gravatar imageSC (Mar 6 '14)

2 answers

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answered Mar 5 '14

jconto gravatar image

It seems you are missing an exciter model for machine 39.

I am attaching a zip file [once dowloaded, replace gif with zip and unzip it] with my version of a dynamic data set for the ieee39 case, with governors and pss models (not included in the original) and made changes to the Genrou model to match zsorce values in the case. The ieee.err file is the progress window output as the 'no-disturbance' test is applied. Other data file are the conl.idv to convert the load, channels.idv to define the channels and adjustparam.idv to change run settings. C:\fakepath\NewEnglandIEEE39.gif



@jconto, thank you very much, it works great for me, and governors and pss models are bonus for me.

SC gravatar imageSC (Mar 6 '14)

@jconto, do I have any chances to get negative and zero sequence impedence for this 39 bus? I might use it for SLG analysis. Thanks.

SC gravatar imageSC (Mar 19 '14)

I do not have sequence data for this network. The savnw.sav case provided by pti (example folder inside the psse installation folder) does have sequence data.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Mar 20 '14)

@jconto, still good to know about this. Thanks again.

SC gravatar imageSC (Mar 21 '14)

answered Dec 5 '14

Ahad Esmaeilian gravatar image

updated Dec 5 '14


Hi , I did download the attachment, and everything seems okay (no error or initial condition suspect). However, after any fault or any kind of contingency (I tried various cases), rotor angles deviate and not converge.

Would you please let me know what is probably wrong with my approach which cause this problem. Since, it seems that others don't have such problem.

Thanks a lot,



It could be that the case is at the edge of instability (high load, etc.) and any fault will take gens out of synchronism. It could be that the fault applied last too long. can you post a sample of the fault applied that causes the problem? (an idv file representing the fault)

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Dec 6 '14)

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Asked: Mar 5 '14

Seen: 1,856 times

Last updated: Dec 05 '14