PSSE excel export failed
I need some help.
I used the following script. PSSE succeeded in exporting acc file in excel when contingencies were small numbers. However, PSSE failed in exporting acc file in excel when contingencies were large numbers.
pssexcel.accc(caseset+'.acc', string=['s','e','b','','v','','',''],colabel='',stype='', busmsm=0.5,rating='a', namesplit=True,xlsfile=caseset, sheet='', overwritesheet=True, show=False,ratecon='c', baseflowvio=True, basevoltvio=True,flowlimit=100, flowchange=0.0, voltchange=0.0)
PSSE exported excel file contains a lot of 0 voltages. How do I export without having 0 voltages?
Thank you for the answer. (2) will solve my problems. I need to find out how to stop exporting 0 voltages from islands. The problems is that Excel will overflow if PSSE exports 0 voltages.