Mimic a wind farm?

asked 2014-01-29 14:16:40 -0500

anonymous user


Could someone help me with changing the generator values for a standard 9 bus system, such that it would mimic a wind farm? I would want to observe the frequency response of such a variable output system.

I have worked with a scenario of disconnecting the machine and observed the transients , but I would now want to change the generator values , as a wind plant would do and observe the response.

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Do you want just one of the machines to be a wind farm? If it just a few of the machines you can use the wind machine models. There is sample data in the Program Application Guide Volume 2. There must be at least one synchronous machine in the system.

Katherine gravatar imageKatherine ( 2014-08-05 06:44:02 -0500 )edit