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import cmath module error

asked Jan 23 '14

terrytian gravatar image

Have someone notice that the cmath python module has a conflict with PSSE?

I mean, if you type:

import cmath

in the PSSE GUI command line, the PSSE GUI will crash.

anybody have same problem?

My PSSE version is 33.5

2 answers

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answered Jan 24 '14

yfwing gravatar image

I believe that it is related to the windows 7 version GDI32.dll. PSS/E version 33 is development in the windows XP environment. So it would have some compatibility issues with some python modules and also some of the PSS/E GUI functions may not work, such as the 'Report Node' when creating slider files. You can try to use the native python interpreter, rather than the PSS/E rebuilt python interpreter. It may solve the problem, but I am not sure.



yes, to use the native python interpreter will solve the problem. it takes me long time to troubleshoot my code, until i found the problem exist in the cmath module. Thank you.

terrytian gravatar imageterrytian (Jan 24 '14)

answered Jan 24 '14

Enrique gravatar image

I'm seeing the same thing with PSSE 33.4 and 33.5.

PSSE 32.2.1 imports the library without any problems.



I tried PSS/E 32.2.1 as well, it works.

SC gravatar imageSC (Feb 4 '14)

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Asked: Jan 23 '14

Seen: 926 times

Last updated: Jan 23 '14