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Is there an API routine that lists transformers regulating the same bus?

asked 2014-01-23 09:29:28 -0600

Gav gravatar image

I need to identify all transformers (2 winding) that are regulating the same bus so that I can change the tap changer control data of all these transformers via a Python script. Is there an API routine that keeps track of devices controlling the same bus?

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answered 2014-01-23 19:50:17 -0600

Enrique gravatar image

updated 2014-01-23 19:51:56 -0600

I have not come across such an API. The following function will return the lists of 2 winding transformers regulating the bus you specify by the icont argument.

def TwoWTfmr_RegIcont(sid=-1, owner=1, ties=1, flag=1, entry=1, icont=0):
    ierr, [bus1, bus2, icontnumber] = psspy.atrnint(sid=sid, owner=owner, ties=ties, 
                                                    flag=flag, entry=entry, 
                                                    string=['FROMNUMBER', 'TONUMBER', 

    ierr, [tfmr_id] = psspy.atrnchar(sid=sid, owner=owner, ties=ties, flag=flag,
                                     entry=entry, string='ID')

    tfmrs = [(b1, b2, tid) for b1, b2, tid, icnt in zip(bus1, bus2, tfmr_id, icontnumber) 
            if icnt == icont]
    return zip(*tfmrs)

# Sample usage"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\EXAMPLE\bench2.sav")
[b1,b2,ckt] = TwoWTfmr_RegIcont(flag=2, icont=6011)
print b1, b2, ckt
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Asked: 2014-01-23 09:29:28 -0600

Seen: 377 times

Last updated: Jan 23 '14