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PSSE injected current differs from injected power

asked Jan 11 '14

moisanchez gravatar image

I'm checking some dynamics simulation about Wind Turbine models in PSS/E.

If the output variables from the generator model WT3G1 are (because I have defined them previously):

Ixinj=0 (Real component of the injected current) Iyinj=0 (Reactive component of the injected current)

Why the Real Power P and Reactive Power Q from Line Quantities CHAN are quite different than 0? It supposes that I wouldn't injecting power, since the current is 0.

If I vary the Ixinj and Iyinj to a non zero value, the 2 previous injected power don't vary, they have the same value all the time and I think that these values come from the Power Flow.

Any idea about this?


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answered Jan 14 '14

EBC gravatar image

Why the Real Power P and Reactive Power Q from Line Quantities CHAN are quite different than 0? It supposes that I wouldn't injecting power, since the current is 0.

You mentioned "LINE" quantities for P and Q in your CHAN, does this mean you are monitoring a line flow and not the WTG power output at its terminal?


answered Jan 14 '14

moisanchez gravatar image

Yes, but in the line where I'm monitoring the power flow (P and Q) I only have connected in one side the inverter and at the another one a GENCLS generator and a load, both simulating the grid. (I can't upload any picture due to I don't have "karma" enough...) So the line flow means what is injecting the inverter. Besides, I've alse monitores Pelec and Qelec (arrays from the inverter) and they contain the same values as the Power Flow values.

The bus "Grid" is defined as the swing bus and the bus "inverter" is defined as a generator bus, but when I make the conversion for dynamic simulation, both buses are generator bus.

Concluding, my scheme only has 2 buses, 1 line, 2 generator (inverter and GENCLS) and 1 load.

Regarding the first question, you're right, it has no sense that if I'm ordering from the control a real current = 0, the inverter is injecting P different from 0... So I think that the generator module doesn't recognize the WIPCMD1 and WIQCMD1 arrays as inputs (but I can not modify them because are standards modules from PSS/E and in other times it works perfectly..). The values of those arrays are OK because I can monitor them from my control module and, for example, in the previous case I obtain WIPCMD1=0 if order P=0, but I think that the generator module does recognize WIPCMD different from 0... I don't know why...


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Asked: Jan 11 '14

Seen: 1,421 times

Last updated: Jan 14 '14