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Converting loads and generators

asked Jan 9 '14

anonymous user


Can Someone please explain why we have to 'convert' generators and loads while performing dynamic simulation in PSSE? What are the values that one should enter in the active and reactive power tabs, which is present under Power Flow>>Convert loads and generators>>Loads

I saw two tutorials and it showed to input 50 in all the 4 tabs under the active and reactive power. It would be of great help if someone could explain or tell the slide number in the manual, if it has been explained already.

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answered Jan 9 '14

yfwing gravatar image

Converting generators and converting loads have different meanings in the dynamic simulations.

As the output or interface to the transmission network of each genertor models is the dq currents, CONG is to initialize the in-service machines in the working case and "transform" the generator to a current source model (i.e., Norton model). So the generator dynamic models can be integrated.

About load conversion, the main purpose is to represent the realistic behavior of the load under dynamic. It is normally not constant power as used in power flow. The normal practice is to represent active power as 100% constant current type, reactive power as 100% constant impedance type.


answered Jan 18 '14

Ria gravatar image

Thank You very much!


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Asked: Jan 9 '14

Seen: 3,169 times

Last updated: Jan 17 '14