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PV Analysis

asked 2013-10-29 04:20:58 -0600

Lam Nguyen gravatar image

I run PV Analysis but I don't understand: what is the different between DFAX Generation/Load and Subsystem Generation/Load? and What is the DFAX Generation or Load?

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answered 2013-10-30 10:49:32 -0600

yfwing gravatar image

The difference between DFAX generation/load and Subsystem generation/load is that DFAX can define (while subsystem can not) participation factors, which are used to control how the generation/load are changed when performing the PV analysis. For example, machine G1 (MBASE=100) and G2 (MBASE=300) is defined as source generation, DFAX can define G1 participate as 60%, G2 as 40%, then if the generation increase is 100 MW, then G1 takes 60 MW, G2 takes 40 MW. On the other hand, subsystem generation/load options can only distribute the increase by MBASE, i.e., for the same 100 MW increase, G1 would take 25 MW ( MBASEG1/ MBASETotal * 100), G2 takes 75 MW.

The example assumes that active power limit is not enforced.

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Thank @yfwing! One more question, how can I define participation factors?

Lam Nguyen gravatar imageLam Nguyen ( 2013-10-31 10:00:23 -0600 )edit

@Lam, the participate factor is defined in the subsystem description data file. The format is as follow (copied from PSS/E manual, read the manual for details.): PARTICIPATE BUS bsid r . . BUS bsid r END

yfwing gravatar imageyfwing ( 2013-11-01 10:07:25 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2013-10-29 04:20:58 -0600

Seen: 913 times

Last updated: Oct 30 '13