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No API for pssplt?

asked Apr 20 '12

chip gravatar image

I can't find any documentation in the PSSE32 docs about an API for pssplt, so I can only conclude that there isn't one. Does anyone know any differently?

Which means I'll be using subprocess.Popen or similar if I want to run a command like:

pssplt32 -inpdev "some_math.idv"

from a larger python script. Which really isn't that bad, but I'd rather not spawn a subprocess unless I have too.


Do you know if there is a way to plot using excel, matlab or matplotlib instead of pssplt?

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (Apr 23 '12)

@JervisW This time I'm getting tabular data. It looks like the PSSE API supports data retirevial (pssarrays) which should give me what I need to send it to matplotlib if that time comes, and there's the pssplot.exportplot which I haven't tried yet.

chip gravatar imagechip (Apr 23 '12)

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answered Apr 23 '12

JervisW gravatar image

PSSE migrates away from PSSPLT

PSS™E will ship with PSSPLT to allow continued use of existing scripts and until the complete feature set has been migrated.

I found this article dated 2008. One of the reasons for no API might be that they planned to migrate away. Back when version 29 was king I used to automate from Python using idev files and subprocess just they way you are doing it with pssplt.



Thanks, I completely missed the pssplot module in the API docs. I thought the pssplt tool looked a bit older than everything else, but I didn't realize it had been deprecated.

chip gravatar imagechip (Apr 23 '12)

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Asked: Apr 20 '12

Seen: 1,551 times

Last updated: Apr 22 '12