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How do I open a version 29 raw file in version 30 PSS/E?

asked Jan 4 '12

jtrain gravatar image

updated Jan 30 '12

JervisW gravatar image

I have been given a raw file from one of our customers and it is version 29. How can I open it with Python in Version 32? Thanks

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answered Jan 16 '12

chip gravatar image

updated Jan 30 '12

JervisW gravatar image

To read in an older version of PSSE's raw file use the readrawversion function:

psspy.readrawversion(numnam=0, # treat bus numbers as unique
                     vernum='29', # read in version 29.

I've been using to open raw files. I'm not sure if there's any tricks to make it work with an older version, here's the code I've been using to open either a .raw or .sav file:

ext = os.path.splitext(inCase)[1]
if ext == '.raw':
    ierr =, inCase)
    ierr =

if ierr:
    print "Something went wrong when i tried to load %s" % inCase
    return ierr



A general purpose case loading function, good idea. I'll try this back on the work computer. After I posted the question I found READRAWVERSION in the docs. Haven't had a chance to test it though. Will report back on the results.

jtrain gravatar imagejtrain (Jan 17 '12)

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Asked: Jan 4 '12

Seen: 2,303 times

Last updated: Jan 30 '12