What is the default integer value in PSSE?
I heard once that the default integer _i
had a value of -9999 or some number that is extremely unlikely to occur in practice.
How can I check what its value is now, does anyone have any clues?
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I heard once that the default integer _i
had a value of -9999 or some number that is extremely unlikely to occur in practice.
How can I check what its value is now, does anyone have any clues?
How about this:
In [31]: int(psspy._i)
Out[31]: 2147483647
The number 2,147,483,647, is the largest [32bit signed number](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2147483647_(number), but I still haven't completely figured out what PSSE does with it. For example, if I create a machine and don't specify any values I get the following defaults:
I still haven't figured it out completely, but it is a start. Right now it looks like PSSE replaces psspy._i with the default specific to a certain model/parameter.
Cheers. Your answer has me thinking too about where PSSE swaps the 2147483647 for the 9999: - In the psspy Python code; - In the belly of the FORTRAN code; or - Someplace else.
Asked: Mar 1 '12
Seen: 428 times
Last updated: Mar 22 '12
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