Digsilent: Quasi dynamic analysis

asked Jan 8 '5

anonymous user


updated Jan 8 '5

Please See the two attachments and their differences by the red circles drawn, they are actually load flow windows for a battery model connected with the grid. I tried the quasi dynamic analysis in digsilent. however, the file I downloaded form the digsilent website for the battery model, I got the tab, Quasi-Dynamic Model on this window( encircled on image - plz see the attached image). But the model I drafted on my own, when I was trying quasi dynamic analysis didn't show up this tab (empty encircled on image - plz see the attached image). Could someone please give me a solution/brief explanations? many many thanks !

p.s - It is actually a model having some batteries connected with grid (V2G). By analyzing quasi dynamic simulation, I wanted to see the condition of the grid voltage due to their respective charging and discharging states.!