How can we configure the load shedding relay by minimum frequency DLSHBL?

asked Jan 6 '5

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How can we configure the load shedding relay by minimum frequency DLSHBL? f1, first load shed point (Hz) t1, first point pickup time (sec.) frac1, first fraction of load shed f2, second load shed point (Hz) t2, second point pickup time (sec.) frac2, second fraction of load shed f3, third load shed point (Hz) t3, third point pickup time (Sec.) frac3, third fraction of load shed TB, breaker time (Sec.) df1, first rate of freq. shed pt.(Hz./sec.) df2, second rate of freq. shed pt.(Hz./sec.) df3, third rate of freq. shed pt.(Hz./sec.)


Please specify what kind of load shedding you want to simulate!

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jan 7 '5)