[code sharing] descriptive keyword arguments
I'm stuck using PSSE 34, and have a strong dislike for passing arguments using intgar
and realar
. So I made a little helper function.
def pssf(fun, *args, **kwargs):
pssf = pss function caller
Call a psspy function with descriptive kw-args
Eg. for machine_chng_2, we normally use intgar1=1 to changes the machine status, or realar1=100.0 to change the power (pg), like so:
psspy.machine_chng_2(101, '1', intgar1=1, realar1=100.0)
This function lets you do the following:
pssf('machine_chng_2', 101, '1', stat=1, pg=100.0)
which I think is more readable.
fun = getattr(psspy, fun)
doc = fun.__doc__
kwargs_new = kwargs.copy()
for k, v in kwargs.items():
for t in 'INTGAR', 'REALAR', 'CHARAR':
matches = re.search('^' + t + '\((\d+)\) ' + k.upper() + ',', s, re.MULTILINE)
if matches:
kwargs_new[t.lower() + matches.group(1)] = v
return fun(*args, **kwargs_new)
Do newer versions of PSSE solve this problem? Did I waste my time making this?
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