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There may have been an issue running Python file

asked Nov 8 '4

anonymous user


When I am trying to run python file this error is appearing. Please anyone who can help me out?

2 answers

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answered Nov 10 '4

Tassie Dave gravatar image

updated Nov 14 '4

You mentioned that Pythion in not installed on your laptop. Normally when you install PSSE it offers you the option to install Python at the same time. I would recommend that approach. It normally installs here: C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34

Once it is installed, you have two options:

  • Run from within PSSE (simpler)
  • Run from outside PSSE, using a you own Python IDE (more functionality, better development environment).

To test whether you have it installed correctly, you could try running the PSSE Environment Manger. This is written in Python, so if it runs you are OK. Or you could go to the I/O menu, record a PSSE command as a python scrip, then run your newly created script.

If you want to install Python separately, you could go to and download it. Be aware that the python version you use depends on which PSSE version you are using; for PSSE 34, use Python 2.7 You would also need to install the PSSE's Python libraries (like psspy). I haven't tried, but they should be installable using "pip install psspy"



No, the Python is unavailable in my laptop. is this the reason that I could not run my scripts?

No Python installed and you want to run a Python script!!!

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Nov 13 '4)

In PSSE 34, you can use later python versions. Eg launch GUI with this command
>"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSBIN\psse34.exe" -pyver 37

or running from python, change the location PSS/E is loaded from:
PSSE_LOCATION = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSPY37"

Alex P gravatar imageAlex P (Nov 18 '4)

answered Nov 13 '4

jconto gravatar image

If multiple version of python are installed, make sure the python script is compatible with the python version in use. If problem persist, re-install PSSe.


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Asked: Nov 8 '4

Seen: 528 times

Last updated: Nov 13 '24