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PSSE course or help

asked Oct 6 '4

nour88n gravatar image


I am a power systems engineer working mainly in renewable power projects grid compliance. I need to learn PSS/E as it is becoming more and more needed and my company do not have a PSS/E license currently.

I downloaded the trial version (limited to 50 bus) and not sure where to start with my learning journey. I want in the begining to be able to do load flow and short circuit calculations and my dream is to be able to do a grid code compliance simulation in the future .

Can you please provide me with tips, thoughts, words of wisdom?

P.S. I am ok in Python programming.

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answered Oct 8 '4


The following two playlists are a perfect spot to start as a beginner in PSS/E:

PSS/E Software (by Power System Experts)

PSS/E by Power System Simulation

You might be overwhelmed in the beginning by the amount of features in PSS/E but as you progress you start realizing that based on your specialization or interest you will only need to learn a small subset of what PSS/E has to offer.

As for coding in python for PSS/E automation, a perfect place to start is this forum and specially the answers and programs written by JCONTO and his code package: PowerSystemByJConto


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Asked: Oct 6 '4

Seen: 5,674 times

Last updated: Oct 07 '24