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Q(U) curve for PV plant with standard models

asked 2024-09-19 07:49:30 -0600

hskr gravatar image


I am trying to configure and test the Q(U) curve for PV plant using standard models (REGCA1, REPCA1 and REECA1). I have tried everything but it seems that I cannot normally test the Q(U) curve like it is possible for UDM manufacturer models. What parameters should I set to test this feature? Looks like it should be in REECA1 ICONS:

CON(1) Vdip (pu) Low voltage threshold to activate reactive current injection logic CON(2) Vup (pu) Voltage above which reactive current injection logic is activated CON(6) Kqv (pu) Reactive current injection gain during over and under voltage conditions

But even if I switch off REPCA1 controller I still cannot achieve this curve which should start Q injection from 0.95 pu voltage and reach maximum at 0.91 and from 1.07 to 1.11 pu respectively for high voltage. Any help would be appreciated

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answered 2024-09-24 11:04:30 -0600

Alex P gravatar image

So talking about REECA1...
I would expect these settings to give the desired performance:
J+0 Vdip: 0.95
J+1 Vup: 1.07
J+3 dbd1: -0.05 (0.95-1)
J+4 dbd2: 0.07 (1.07-1)
J+5 Kqv: 1/(1.11-1.07) = 25 or 1/(0.95-0.91) = 20 ...this should give Iqinj=1puA at either Vt=1.11 or Vt=0.91.
J+8 Vref0: 1
You might also want to adjust J+6 Iqh1, J+7 Iql1 or J+23 Imax to suit your application.

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Asked: 2024-09-19 07:49:30 -0600

Seen: 106 times

Last updated: Sep 24 '24