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Is there any way to export to excel LOSSES of all the branches of a system?

asked Sep 2 '13

anonymous user


updated Sep 9 '13


I am new with PSSE and python. I am trying to export to excel a list with the losses in a system. If It is possible I would like to get losses in each bus connection. I have tried with caspy but I don´t know how to get losses from branches. Anyone of you could give me an idea?

Thank you very much!

* I have problems to post a comment* Thank you very much! very useful and helpful answer.

3 answers

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answered Sep 3 '13

jsexauer gravatar image

updated Apr 9 '14

This will do what you're looking for. Refer to chapter 8 Subsystem Data Retrieval, specifically the bit on Branch Flow data, for more info. Keep in mind the "-1" subsystem is the entire case.

ierr, loss = psspy.aflowreal(-1, 2, 1, 1, 'PLOSS')
ierr, toBus = psspy.aflowint(-1, 2, 1, 1, 'TONUMBER')
ierr, fromBus = psspy.aflowint(-1, 2, 1, 1, 'FROMNUMBER')
ierr, brnID = psspy.aflowchar(-1, 2, 1, 1, 'ID')

csv = 'ToBus, FromBus, ID, PLOSS\n'
for fields in zip(toBus[0], fromBus[0], brnID[0],loss[0]):
    csv += ','.join(map(str,fields)) + '\n'
print csv
with open('output.csv','w') as f:

answered Apr 7 '14

EBahr gravatar image

updated Apr 10 '14

Unfortunately I don't think you can extract that type of calculated data from caspy.

Also, see below for a slight variation to @jsexauer's answer. This version will make sure the branch is only documented once. Otherwise if you tried to calculate total system losses, it would be double what it should be.

ierr, loss = psspy.aflowreal(-1, 2, 1, 1, 'PLOSS')
ierr, toBus = psspy.aflowint(-1, 2, 1, 1, 'TONUMBER')
ierr, fromBus = psspy.aflowint(-1, 2, 1, 1, 'FROMNUMBER')
ierr, brnID = psspy.aflowchar(-1, 2, 1, 1, 'ID')
branches = []

csv = 'ToBus, FromBus, ID, PLOSS\n'
for i in range(len(loss[0])):
    if not (toBus[0][i],fromBus[0][i],brnID[0][i]) in branches:
        csv += '%i,%i,%s,%f\n' % (toBus[0][i], fromBus[0][i], brnID[0][i],loss[0][i])
print csv
with open('c:\\output.csv','w') as f:


good catch, thanks

jsexauer gravatar imagejsexauer (Apr 9 '14)

answered Apr 2 '14

Towana gravatar image

Thanks it was interesting..... But i did not get results in excel file, it is possible? If yes, how we can do it? Thanks in advance



double click on the csv file.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Apr 3 '14)

Edited answer to save results to a file, output.csv

jsexauer gravatar imagejsexauer (Apr 7 '14)

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Asked: Sep 2 '13

Seen: 2,149 times

Last updated: Apr 10 '14