Parameters rxb
Is there a way to get all the r,x,b parameters of a line in one command? I would love to understand what command this is. Finds only r,x
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Is there a way to get all the r,x,b parameters of a line in one command? I would love to understand what command this is. Finds only r,x
Use ierr, z = psspy.brndt2(ibus, jbus, ickt, 'RX')
to return the complex impedance (r+jx) and
ierr , b = psspy.brndat(ibus, jbus, ickt, 'CHARG')
to return the charging (b).
You need two API's in psspy.
I understood. Thank you very much! I thought this could be done in one command, apparently not...
Asked: Sep 17 '4
Seen: 118 times
Last updated: Sep 17 '24