PSSE usign Paralle Desktop on MAC
Has anyone been able to run PSSE on Parallels Desktop on MAC. It does install but when running it cannot find PSSESLIDER.dll
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Has anyone been able to run PSSE on Parallels Desktop on MAC. It does install but when running it cannot find PSSESLIDER.dll
Provide more info about your PSSe set up. What kind of windows emulator are you using on the MAC?
What would happen if you bypass the psspy commands related to the "slider" calls?
Thanks for reply I am using Parallels Desktop Windows 11, when I try to run the GUI, i get: "psseslider.dll not found, File must be available to run the application" also it is psse36
Same configuration, same problem here. Have you found the solution yet?
Asked: Sep 15 '4
Seen: 155 times
Last updated: Sep 15 '24