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Can someone explain to me the possibilities of the "Tie" argument that appears in many commands?

asked Sep 8 '4

Yoyo gravatar image

For example in abrint , in abrchar...

2 answers

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answered Sep 8 '4

perolofl gravatar image

updated Sep 8 '4

Ties are the branches/transformers leaving the selected subsystem. E.g., if area 1 in savnw is chosen, the branches going to area 2 and 5.


answered Sep 8 '4

Yoyo gravatar image

Yes, I understand that, but I don't understand the meaning of each of the selectable options. I will give an example. When I run n-1 script and read the flows of the lines. If I chose zone 3 and I am also interested in the lines leaving zone 3 and reaching zone 4 as well as the other nearby zones, which of the options should I choose?



It is very clearly described in API manual! Argument ties=3 will return all interior subsystem branches and tie branches.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Sep 9 '4)

Thank you!

Yoyo gravatar imageYoyo (Sep 9 '4)

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Asked: Sep 8 '4

Seen: 106 times

Last updated: Sep 08 '24