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PSSE 36.0 can't run in my Windows 11 system

asked Sep 4 '4

Allen gravatar image

I installed the trial version of PSSE 36.0 in my laptop under Windows 11. However, it can't run at all. Every time I tried to start it, it just didn't work. I can see PSSE36.0 appearing in the Task Manager for a very short time, then it went away. In the meanwhile, the Windows Problem Reporting task appeared. Probably it was shutdown by Windows?

Did anybody encounter similar problems?

P.S I think there is no problem with the installation process, since I managed to install it in my old laptop the same way under Windows 10.


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answered Jan 9 '5

MarkG gravatar image

updated Jan 9 '5

I've tried this on a virtual machine with Windows 11 installed. Siemens thinks all is well with PSSEv35.6.4.

No. PSSE will start, will load a case, solve, etc., but crashes when we try to open a slider dialog. You can test this yourself by entering the Python command "psspy.newdiagfile()" to create a new slider diagram in the Python command box of the PSSE 35 GUI.

Anyway, PSSEv35.6.4 is not working as of this date, and Windows 10 updates are being discontinued.

Some PSSE speedbumps we encountered were:

  • PyWin32==306 had to be installed manually
  • -pyver 3.11 had to be added to the PSSE shortcut calling line
  • we modified User Account Control (UAC) to "Elevate without prompting" to skip the "Are you Sure?" dialog.

Perhaps a later PyWIn32 version is the answer. LMK what you come up with.


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Asked: Sep 4 '4

Seen: 10,994 times

Last updated: Jan 09