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How can I let PSSE find my user defined model in dyr?

asked Jul 12 '4

memo gravatar image

updated Jul 12 '4

I writed a user defined model of machine's exciter and have created a dll of it. I loaded the dll into model library but I can't find my model in model selection of machine's exciter in dyr.I also try to use API but the psse show my model name is not defined. Why and How can I let PSSE find it? My PSSE version is 33

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answered Jul 12 '4

perolofl gravatar image

updated Jul 12 '4

The model must be read into PSSE in a .DYR file or a .DYA file so the program knows that the model exists.

The DYRE-record informs PSSE what kind of model it is (e.g. exciter) and how many ICON, CON, STATE and VAR the model is using.


Record for an exciter model:

BUSID 'USRMDL' ID 'model name' IC IT NI NC NS NV data list /

For example exciter model MYEXC using 6 CONs, 3 STATEs and 2 VARs at machine 1, bus 101:

101 'USRMDL' 1 'MYEXC' 4  0  0 6  3  2  data list /

Data list contains the values of the 6 CONs.

Whenever at least one instance of a user model is read into PSSE dynamic setup via a .DYR file another instances can be added through the GUI or with an API.



Transform the dll into dyr? Is there a operating process to make the dll of model to be recognized by PSSE. Thank you so much

memo gravatar imagememo (Jul 12 '4)

In My dyr the model selection of machines' exciter does not have my model for me to choose.Is there anyting wrong? And how can I make DYR know what kind of model my model is?Thank you so much

memo gravatar imagememo (Jul 12 '4)

DYR is the dynamic raw data file. You must call your model in that text file.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jul 12 '4)

Add the record for a user written exciter model. See the manual.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jul 12 '4)

Note that .DYR is a text file, not the GUI in PSSE.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jul 12 '4)

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Asked: Jul 12 '4

Seen: 1,371 times

Last updated: Jul 12 '24