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Slider Bug in PSSe 35

asked Jun 19 '4

anonymous user


Has anyone encountered this bug in PSSe 35? I try to select a vertical bus in the slider file but the program never selects what I am trying to select. I can't upload a screenshot. But for example, let's say I want to select a bus or transmission line and move my mouse to it and click. It always selects an item many elements away from what I was trying to select.



Siemens has officilly acknowledged this issue and it is related to graphics driver. The problem is also experienced in few hardware brands like, we faced in HP but not in Lenovo thinkpad series. Rolling back to older driver works. Disabling hardware acceleration also works sometime.

chandv gravatar imagechandv (Jul 3 '4)

The same issue happens for me in both PSSE 34 and 35 (using AMD Radeon)

Mohamed_M gravatar imageMohamed_M (Jul 8 '4)

2 answers

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answered Jun 24 '4

IHargrave gravatar image

I am having the same issue.



near term fix: Hover over edit in top left corner->Preferences->Advanced Global Settings->Uncheck Hardware Acceleration-> Click OK

IHargrave gravatar imageIHargrave (Jun 26 '4)

Thanks. Your fix works for me, but now larger SLDs are very slow to traverse. However, it is better than having the bug

Mohamed_M gravatar imageMohamed_M (Jul 8 '4)

Worked for me. Thanks.

Mason gravatar imageMason (Dec 5 '4)

answered Jun 24 '4

acd1 gravatar image

PSSE 35.6.2 has a potential fix. Per the release notes: "In certain iterations of Intel graphics drivers, an issue arose wherein attempting to select a specific component on the diagram resulted in the selection of arbitrary components. This issue has been resolved through the implementation of a workaround within the PSS®E system."

Installing this latest version resolved the issue for me, at least!


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Asked: Jun 19 '4

Seen: 1,480 times

Last updated: Jun 24 '24