Power oscillation damping and synthetic inertia models for PV plant

asked 2024-05-02 06:55:17 -0600

hskr gravatar image


I am quite new with PSS/E and are using it for my doctoral studies. I am creating a PV plant equivalent model using standard REGCA1, REECA1 and REPCA1 models. To make it according to todays standards I need to add a synthetic inertia (SI) and power oscillation damping models (POD) to it. As I researched alot (there is very little information on this available publicly) I found out that I need to create these as user defined models (UDM) with fortran. Can anyone help me with any documentation or model samples so I can have at least somewhere to start from? Thanks!

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Also, would anyone be able create such models or maybe some of you know anyone who could, I would like to make an offer since these PV PPC functions are essential for my work. Thanks!

hskr gravatar imagehskr ( 2024-07-10 00:00:56 -0600 )edit