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How can I access DCLF solution?

asked 2024-03-06 20:10:07 -0600

suj8trip8 gravatar image

updated 2024-03-06 20:10:36 -0600

I am trying to perform DCLF (using PSSE v33) and access its solution for sample test system. Which APIs can I use to get this done?

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answered 2024-03-07 02:15:44 -0600

perolofl gravatar image
  1. Use option to save base case dc power flow voltages in working memory after DCLF.

  2. Use API psspy.abusreal() to get the voltage magnitude and angle for all buses.

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Thanks for your answer.

suj8trip8 gravatar imagesuj8trip8 ( 2024-03-11 10:09:48 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-03-06 20:10:07 -0600

Seen: 64 times

Last updated: Mar 07