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Retrieve dynamic data using Python

asked Feb 22 '4

Shahab Mehraeen gravatar image

Hi, Is there an API function that retrieves generator angles, speeds, etc., in the PSSE dynamic simulation using Python? I am able to retrieve the bus voltages using : ierr, voltages = psspy.abusreal(-1, string="PU")

I wonder if there is a similar way to extract dynamic states. Thank you

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answered Feb 22 '4

perolofl gravatar image

Select channels for the wanted information and use psspy.chnval to get the value.



Thank you so much. chnval reads the states. However, I am using psspy.chsb(0,1,[-1,-1,-1,1,1,0]) to select channels and don't exactly know how to point at the certain generator state.

Shahab Mehraeen gravatar imageShahab Mehraeen (Feb 23 '4)

What do you mean? I don't understand.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Feb 25 '4)

Do you possibly have a sample Python code that uses channel selection for generator states and chnval to get their values? Thank you in advance.

Shahab Mehraeen gravatar imageShahab Mehraeen (Feb 27 '4)

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Asked: Feb 22 '4

Seen: 208 times

Last updated: Feb 22 '24