Hardware lock problem

asked Feb 19 '12

amaity gravatar image


Does anyone have any experience of running PSSE with a parallel port hardware lock on a laptop that does not have a native parallel port?


Haven't got any experience for you sorry. All of my computers have come with a parallel port. I'll forward this around and see if anyone else knows anything useful. The PTI website says that users on a maintenance plan can get parallel ports swapped with a USB dongle for US $150 - ouch

jtrain gravatar imagejtrain (Feb 19 '12)

http://www.daniweb.com/community-center/it-professionals-lounge/threads/102378 I found this article about an accounting software parallel port dongle. Looks like they didn't have luck with USB -> Parallel Port converters..

jtrain gravatar imagejtrain (Feb 19 '12)

Thanks for the link. The converters didn't work for me either. It wasn't an 'ouch' for me when I requested them for a dongle exchange. I yelled - bloody murder!! (... sorry if that is considered offensive). The cost of the maintenance plan is to say the least - exorbitant.

amaity gravatar imageamaity (Feb 19 '12)

Agreed, the maintenance plans are very rich. We needed a fully paid up maintenance plan to join their yahoo group too, hence this free forum :)

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (Feb 19 '12)

There could be all kinds of reasons for the atrociously priced maintenance plan but the logic of linking their forum to the plan simply escapes me.

amaity gravatar imageamaity (Feb 20 '12)