Hardware lock problem
Does anyone have any experience of running PSSE with a parallel port hardware lock on a laptop that does not have a native parallel port?
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Does anyone have any experience of running PSSE with a parallel port hardware lock on a laptop that does not have a native parallel port?
Asked: Feb 19 '12
Seen: 7,036 times
Last updated: Feb 18 '12
Haven't got any experience for you sorry. All of my computers have come with a parallel port. I'll forward this around and see if anyone else knows anything useful. The PTI website says that users on a maintenance plan can get parallel ports swapped with a USB dongle for US $150 - ouch
http://www.daniweb.com/community-center/it-professionals-lounge/threads/102378 I found this article about an accounting software parallel port dongle. Looks like they didn't have luck with USB -> Parallel Port converters..
Thanks for the link. The converters didn't work for me either. It wasn't an 'ouch' for me when I requested them for a dongle exchange. I yelled - bloody murder!! (... sorry if that is considered offensive). The cost of the maintenance plan is to say the least - exorbitant.
Agreed, the maintenance plans are very rich. We needed a fully paid up maintenance plan to join their yahoo group too, hence this free forum :)
There could be all kinds of reasons for the atrociously priced maintenance plan but the logic of linking their forum to the plan simply escapes me.