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Should I use brnmsc('PCTMVA') or brnmsc('PCTRTA') ?

asked 2023-08-23 03:55:32 -0600

Jimmy gravatar image

If I want to get the value of the branch in the picture below

1.The Value above the Branch > I use brnmsc('MVA')

2.The Value below the Branch > I tried these two brnmsc('PCTMVA') and brnmsc('PCTRTA')

I tried these two brnmsc('PCTMVA') and brnmsc('PCTRTA') , but those value are quite similar.

If I want to get the value below the Branch should I use brnmsc('PCTMVA') or brnmsc('PCTRTA')?

Thank you for reading my question.

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answered 2023-08-25 08:37:14 -0600

waltterval_again gravatar image

It depends of what you want. When you need to check whit overloads protection, could be better to use PCTRTA.

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Thank you so much for answering my question.

Jimmy gravatar imageJimmy ( 2023-08-28 21:28:37 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-08-23 03:55:32 -0600

Seen: 125 times

Last updated: Aug 25 '23