Hello everyone. I am performing dynamic simulation and the log shows me 'Network not converged at TIME = 0.2' but it still end the calculation and create file.out. Is this 'file.out' ok. Or these values are wrong ?

asked Jun 8 '3

Huser gravatar image

http://file:///C:/Users/haris.vranaj/Desktop/Capture.PNG (image description)


The file isn't uploaded!

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 8 '3)

A few non-convergence warnings are common, e.g. when a fault is first applied. If you have more than say 2% of the time steps with non-convergence, then your results may be suspect. You can try decreasing the acceleration factor or increasing the number of iterations. This helps in some situations

Alex P gravatar imageAlex P (Jun 16 '3)