Example deadband in Fortran Code
Dear everyone, Is there any reference code for deadband operation in Fortran languange? I need it to make own UDM Thank you very much
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Dear everyone, Is there any reference code for deadband operation in Fortran languange? I need it to make own UDM Thank you very much
A deadband with limits +/- 0.1 in Fortran 90:
deadband_high = 0.1
deadband_low = -0.1
if (input > deadband_high) then
output = input-deadband_high
else if (input < deadband_low) then
output = input-deadband_low
output = 0.
end if
Thank you very much Dr Perolofl, Dr Perolofl, I have a question.do you have an example transformation dq frame to alpha-beta and then connected to current injection method in psse? I was made dq frame to alpha-beta but after fault it seems the value of alpha-beta conversion will diverge after fault
Asked: 2023-05-10 04:59:42 -0600
Seen: 1,307 times
Last updated: May 10 '23