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equipment field

asked May 7 '3

erika gravatar image

Hi all, I was running a simulation in psse to observe some particular buses, but when the .out file is generated, I couldn't find those buses although I selected them through bsys api. I noticed that those buses don't have tick mark in the equipment field. Does it mean those buses are not active in the system? And as the equipment column is greyed out, I couldn't edit that field. Does anyone know what does that equipment field mean and how to edit it? Also what can I do to observe those buses?

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answered May 7 '3

perolofl gravatar image

Have you entered channels with bus voltages etc?

In which GUI is the "equipment field"?



yes, channels with bus voltage,angle, freq etc. In .dyr file there is a column called "equipment". I saw that for those buses, there wasn't tick mark in that field. Does this mean those buses are not active in the system? if that is the case, how to tick mark those? that field is grey field so I cou

erika gravatar imageerika (May 7 '3)

The .dyr file is just a text file and doesn't have any column equipment. You are maybe talking about the "Dynamics data" spreadsheet. Check your channels in tab Data - Channels.I don't understand the problem, if you have defined channels with bus voltages etc, the channels should be written to .out.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (May 7 '3)

yes I meant dynamic spreadsheet. So you think tick mark in the equipment field shouldn't be issue here?

erika gravatar imageerika (May 7 '3)

Which tab are you talking about?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (May 7 '3)

For .out files only the channels are an issue.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (May 7 '3)

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Asked: May 7 '3

Seen: 187 times

Last updated: May 07 '23