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Hi Everyone. I am trying to do dynamic simulation. I try a fault in 110 kV line and it effects in 220 kV line that is far from the fault. Should I change any solution parameters ?

asked Apr 28 '3

Huser gravatar image

http:// (image description)


What is the effect? Voltage drop during the fault?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Apr 30 '3)

It is 0.9 Un in the 220 kV buses that are far from the fault. The generation is 1300 MW and load 1150 MW.

Huser2 gravatar imageHuser2 (Apr 30 '3)

It is just 10 % decrease in voltage. Is that abnormal?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Apr 30 '3)

Comparing with values of pmu (phasor measurement unit) and in my experience I think yes. Because it is a far away foult in 110 kV. In pmu the values are 0.02 Un.

Huser2 gravatar imageHuser2 (Apr 30 '3)

Check the voltage drop at the buses between 220 and 110 kV line. Was the real fault a three phase fault?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Apr 30 '3)

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answered May 4 '3

Tassie Dave gravatar image

updated May 4 '3

The model is faithfully simulating the data you have given it.

You can do a sanity check using ohms law; if the impedance between the fault and the supply is about 10% of the impedance of the fault, then you have a voltage divider situation, and it will result in a 10% voltage drop.

When I say "between the fault and the supply" I also mean the impedance of the volage source itself; so check the MVA base of the machine that is the supply, and check its impedance.

One useful way to look at the impedance of your load flow case is to get an SLD diagram, and click on the "DAT" button, to "Display impedance data on the Active diagram"



Thank you. How can I calculate impedance between the fault and the supply ?

Huser gravatar imageHuser (May 4 '3)

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Asked: Apr 28 '3

Seen: 388 times

Last updated: May 03 '23