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initial version

answered Mar 15 '3

perolofl gravatar image

This is a redundant question. It has already been explained in post aBusReal and aMachReal behaving weirdly.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

This is a redundant question. It has already been explained in post aBusReal and aMachReal behaving weirdly.


@Shawn found the solution!!!

API powerflowmode() is equivalent to the old activity LOFL.

POM, Chapter 16.8 (rev 35) says about activity LOFL:

"Allow examination of the network conditions existing at any instant during the system disturbance being simulated. When run during a state-space or extended term dynamic simulation calculation, activity LOFL sets the plant and machine power output arrays in the working case to correspond to those contained in the dynamics data arrays PELEC and QELEC. Thus, the machine powers at that point in the simulation will be recognized in any power flow reporting activities which are executed while the power flow linkage is in effect."