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I needed to do something similar before. To avoid repeating the effort, I made a big function that can extract all things that can be extracted for 3-winding transformer windings. Be aware that the APIs in PSSE for 3-winding transformer and 3-winding transformer windings are different.
# 3-Winding Transformer Winding data
# this dictionary is sourced from PSSE's API doct, and there are
# descriptions that even I do not understand
'WNDBUSNUMBER' : ['WNDBUSNUMBER', 'Number of the bus connected to this winding'],
'OTHER1NUMBER' : ['OTHER1NUMBER', 'Number of another bus connected to this transformer'],
'OTHER2NUMBER' : ['OTHER2NUMBER', 'Number of another bus connected to this transformer'],
'WNDNUM' : ['WNDNUM', 'Winding number'],
'WIND1NUMBER' : ['WIND1NUMBER', 'Winding 1 bus number'],
'WIND2NUMBER' : ['WIND2NUMBER', 'Winding 2 bus number'],
'WIND3NUMBER' : ['WIND3NUMBER', 'Winding 3 bus number'],
'NMETERNUMBER' : ['NMETERNUMBER', 'Non-metered end bus number'],
'STATUS' : ['STATUS', 'Winding status'],
'OWNERS' : ['OWNERS', 'Number of owners'],
'OWN1' : ['OWN1', 'First owner'],
'OWN2' : ['OWN2', 'Second owner'],
'OWN3' : ['OWN3', 'Third owner'],
'OWN4' : ['OWN4', 'Fourth owner'],
'ICONTNUMBER' : ['ICONTNUMBER', 'Controlled bus number'],
'TABLE' : ['TABLE', 'Transformer impedance adjustment table number'],
'CODE' : ['CODE', 'Transformer control mode for automatic adjustments'],
'NTPOSN' : ['NTPOSN', 'Number of tap positions'],
'CW' : ['CW', 'Winding data I/O code'],
'CZ' : ['CZ', 'Impedance data I/O code'],
'CM' : ['CM', 'Magnetizing admittance I/O code'],
'CZ0' : ['CZ0', 'Leakage impedance data I/O code'],
'CZG' : ['CZG', 'Grounding impedance data I/O code'],
'CNXCOD' : ['CNXCOD', 'Connection code'],
'TPSTT' : ['TPSTT', 'Winding 1 ratio limit code: -1 for low; 0 for regulating; 1 for high; -2 for locked'],
'ANSTT' : ['ANSTT', 'Winding 1 angle limit code: -1 for low; 0 for regulating; 1 for high; -2 for locked'],
# float
'AMPS' : ['AMPS', 'Branch current in amps (0.0 if bus base voltage is 0.0)'],
'PUCUR' : ['PUCUR', 'Branch current in pu'],
'PCTRATE' : ['PCTRATE', 'Percent winding bus current of default rating set'],
'PCTRATEA' : ['PCTRATEA', 'Percent winding bus current of rating set A'],
'PCTRATEB' : ['PCTRATEB', 'Percent winding bus current of rating set B'],
'PCTRATEC' : ['PCTRATEC', 'Percent winding bus current of rating set C'],
'PCTMVARATE' : ['PCTMVARATE', 'Percent winding bus MVA of default rating set'],
'PCTMVARATEA' : ['PCTMVARATEA', 'Percent winding bus MVA of rating set A'],
'PCTMVARATEB' : ['PCTMVARATEB', 'Percent winding bus MVA of rating set B'],
'PCTMVARATEC' : ['PCTMVARATEC', 'Percent winding bus MVA of rating set C'],
'PCTCORPRATE' : ['PCTCORPRATE', 'Percent winding bus current or MVA loading (according to the transformer percent loading units program option setting) of default rating set'],
'PCTCORPRATEA' : ['PCTCORPRATEA', 'Percent winding bus current or MVA loading (according to the transformer percent loading units program option setting) of rating set A'],
'PCTCORPRATEB' : ['PCTCORPRATEB', 'Percent winding bus current or MVA loading (according to the transformer percent loading units program option setting) of rating set B'],
'PCTCORPRATEC' : ['PCTCORPRATEC', 'Percent winding bus current or MVA loading (according to the transformer percent loading units program option setting) of rating set C'],
'MAXPCTRATE' : ['MAXPCTRATE', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus current of default rating set'],
'MAXPCTRATEA' : ['MAXPCTRATEA', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus current of rating set A'],
'MAXPCTRATEB' : ['MAXPCTRATEB', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus current of rating set B'],
'MAXPCTRATEC' : ['MAXPCTRATEC', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus current of rating set C'],
'MXPCTMVARAT' : ['MXPCTMVARAT', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus MVA of default rating set'],
'MXPCTMVARATA' : ['MXPCTMVARATA', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus MVA of rating set A'],
'MXPCTMVARATB' : ['MXPCTMVARATB', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus MVA of rating set B'],
'MXPCTMVARATC' : ['MXPCTMVARATC', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus MVA of rating set C'],
'MXPCTCRPRAT' : ['MXPCTCRPRAT', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus current or MVA loading (according to the transformer percent loading units program option setting) of default rating set'],
'MXPCTCRPRATA' : ['MXPCTCRPRATA', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus current or MVA loading (according to the transformer percent loading units program option setting) of rating set A'],
'MXPCTCRPRATB' : ['MXPCTCRPRATB', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus current or MVA loading (according to the transformer percent loading units program option setting) of rating set B'],
'MXPCTCRPRATC' : ['MXPCTCRPRATC', 'Larger of percent winding/star point bus current or MVA loading (according to the transformer percent loading units program option setting) of rating set C'],
'FRACT1' : ['FRACT1', 'First owner fraction'],
'FRACT2' : ['FRACT2', 'Second owner fraction'],
'FRACT3' : ['FRACT3', 'Third owner fraction'],
'FRACT4' : ['FRACT4', 'Fourth owner fraction'],
'RATE' : ['RATE', 'Rating from default rating set'],
'RATEA' : ['RATEA', 'Rating from rating set A'],
'RATEB' : ['RATEB', 'Rating from rating set B'],
'RATEC' : ['RATEC', 'Rating from rating set C'],
'RATIO' : ['RATIO', 'Winding tap ratio in pu'],
'RATIOCW' : ['RATIOCW', 'Winding tap ratio in units governed by CW'],
'ANGLE' : ['ANGLE', 'Winding phase shift angle in degrees'],
'RMAX' : ['RMAX', 'Winding ratio or angle upper limit (in pu if ratio)'],
'RMAXCW' : ['RMAXCW', 'Winding ratio or angle upper limit (in units governed by CW if ratio)'],
'RMIN' : ['RMIN', 'Winding ratio or angle lower limit (in pu if ratio)'],
'RMINCW' : ['RMINCW', 'Winding ratio or angle lower limit (in units governed by CW if ratio)'],
'VMAX' : ['VMAX', 'Controlled quantity upper limit (in pu if voltage)'],
'VMAXKV' : ['VMAXKV', 'Controlled quantity upper limit (in units governed by CW if voltage)'],
'VMIN' : ['VMIN', 'Controlled quantity lower limit (in pu if voltage)'],
'VMINKV' : ['VMINKV', 'Controlled quantity lower limit (in units governed by CW if voltage)'],
'STEP' : ['STEP', 'Winding ratio or angle step width (in pu if ratio)'],
'STEPCW' : ['STEPCW', 'Winding ratio or angle step width (in units governed by CW if ratio)'],
'NOMV' : ['NOMV', 'Winding nominal voltage in kv (0.0 for bus base voltage)'],
'SBASE' : ['SBASE', 'Winding base MVA'],
'P' : ['P', 'Active power flow at winding bus end (MW)'],
'Q' : ['Q', 'Reactive power flow at winding bus end (MVar)'],
'MVA' : ['MVA', 'Apparent power at winding bus end (MVA)'],
'MAXMVA' : ['MAXMVA', 'Apparent power at winding bus or star point bus end, whichever is larger (MVA)'],
'PLOSS' : ['PLOSS', 'Active power losses (MW)'],
'QLOSS' : ['QLOSS', 'Reactive power losses (MVar)'],
'O_P' : ['O_P', 'Active power flow at winding bus end (user unit)'],
'O_Q' : ['O_Q', 'Reactive power flow at winding bus end (user unit)'],
'O_MVA' : ['O_MVA', 'Apparent power at winding bus end (user unit)'],
'O_MAXMVA' : ['O_MAXMVA', 'Apparent power at winding bus or star point bus end, whichever is larger (user unit)'],
'O_PLOSS' : ['O_PLOSS', 'Active power losses (user unit)'],
'O_QLOSS' : ['O_QLOSS', 'Reactive power losses (user unit)'],
# complex
'RXACT_RE' : ['RXACT', 'Actual transformer resistance in pu'],
'RXACT_IM' : ['RXACT', 'Actual transformer reactance in pu'],
'RXNOM_RE' : ['RXNOM', 'Nominal transformer resistance in pu'],
'RXNOM_IM' : ['RXNOM', 'Nominal transformer reactance in pu'],
'COMPRX_RE' : ['COMPRX', 'Load drop compensation resistance in pu'],
'COMPRX_IM' : ['COMPRX', 'Load drop compensation reactance in pu'],
'RXZERO_RE' : ['RXZERO', 'Zero sequence winding leakage resistance in pu'],
'RXZERO_IM' : ['RXZERO', 'Zero sequence winding leakage reactance in pu'],
'ZGRND_RE' : ['ZGRND', 'Zero sequence winding grounding resistance in pu'],
'ZGRND_IM' : ['ZGRND', 'Zero sequence winding grounding reactance in pu'],
'PQ_RE' : ['PQ', 'P flow at winding bus end (MW)'],
'PQ_IM' : ['PQ', 'Q flow at winding bus end (MVar)'],
'PQLOSS_RE' : ['PQLOSS', 'P Losses (MW)'],
'PQLOSS_IM' : ['PQLOSS', 'Q Losses (MVar)'],
'O_PQ_RE' : ['O_PQ', 'P flow at winding bus end (user unit)'],
'O_PQ_IM' : ['O_PQ', 'Q flow at winding bus end (user unit)'],
'O_PQLOSS_RE' : ['O_PQLOSS', 'Losses (user unit)'],
'O_PQLOSS_IM' : ['O_PQLOSS', 'Losses (user unit)'],
# string
'ID' : ['ID', 'Circuit identifier'],
'WNDBUSNAME' : ['WNDBUSNAME', 'Name of the bus connected to this winding'],
'WNDBUSEXNAME' : ['WNDBUSEXNAME', 'Extended bus name of the bus connected to this winding'],
'OTHER1NAME' : ['OTHER1NAME', 'Name of another bus connected to this winding'],
'OTHER1EXNAME' : ['OTHER1EXNAME', 'Extended bus name of another bus connected to this winding'],
'OTHER2NAME' : ['OTHER2NAME', 'Name of another bus connected to this winding'],
'OTHER2EXNAME' : ['OTHER2EXNAME', 'Extended bus name of another bus connected to this winding'],
'WIND1NAME' : ['WIND1NAME', 'Winding 1 bus name'],
'WIND1EXNAME' : ['WIND1EXNAME', 'Winding 1 bus extended bus name'],
'WIND2NAME' : ['WIND2NAME', 'Winding 2 bus name'],
'WIND2EXNAME' : ['WIND2EXNAME', 'Winding 2 bus extended bus name'],
'WIND3NAME' : ['WIND3NAME', 'Winding 3 bus name'],
'WIND3EXNAME' : ['WIND3EXNAME', 'Winding 3 bus extended bus name'],
'NMETERNAME' : ['NMETERNAME', 'Non-metered bus name'],
'NMETEREXNAME' : ['NMETEREXNAME', 'Non-metered bus extended bus name'],
'XFRNAME' : ['XFRNAME', 'Transformer name']
'RXACT_RE' : ['RXACT', 'Actual transformer resistance in pu'],
'RXNOM_RE' : ['RXNOM', 'Nominal transformer resistance in pu'],
'COMPRX_RE' : ['COMPRX', 'Load drop compensation resistance in pu'],
'RXZERO_RE' : ['RXZERO', 'Zero sequence winding leakage resistance in pu'],
'ZGRND_RE' : ['ZGRND', 'Zero sequence winding grounding resistance in pu'],
'PQ_RE' : ['PQ', 'P flow at winding bus end (MW)'],
'PQLOSS_RE' : ['PQLOSS', 'P Losses (MW)'],
'O_PQ_RE' : ['O_PQ', 'P flow at winding bus end (user unit)'],
'O_PQLOSS_RE' : ['O_PQLOSS', 'Losses (user unit)']
'RXACT_IM' : ['RXACT', 'Actual transformer reactance in pu'],
'RXNOM_IM' : ['RXNOM', 'Nominal transformer reactance in pu'],
'COMPRX_IM' : ['COMPRX', 'Load drop compensation reactance in pu'],
'RXZERO_IM' : ['RXZERO', 'Zero sequence winding leakage reactance in pu'],
'ZGRND_IM' : ['ZGRND', 'Zero sequence winding grounding reactance in pu'],
'PQ_IM' : ['PQ', 'Q flow at winding bus end (MVar)'],
'PQLOSS_IM' : ['PQLOSS', 'Q Losses (MVar)'],
'O_PQ_IM' : ['O_PQ', 'Q flow at winding bus end (user unit)'],
'O_PQLOSS_IM' : ['O_PQLOSS', 'Losses (user unit)']
def tupGet3WTrfWndData(str_in, int_flag=3, int_sid=-1, **kwarg):
'''Get 3-winding transformer winding data. Return as tuple.
This is a wrapper function for "psspy.awndtypes()",
"psspy.awndint()", "psspy.awndreal()", "psspy.awndchar()" and
The 1st element is a list containing the data.
The 2nd element is a string describing the data (can be used as header string).
str_in : string
The string command to get the data.
Note that the description would be returned as the 2nd element of the tuple.
int_flag : int
What kind of elements to include.
int_sid: int
The bus subsystem to be used.
Default = -1; i.e., all buses.
**kwarg :
Other parameters accepted by "psspy.awndint()", "psspy.awndreal()", "psspy.awndchar()" and
list_temp: list
The data as a list.
str_return : str
The description of the input string command.'''
if not str_in:
raise ValueError('A non-empty string value must be provided.')
# to upper case
str_in = str_in.upper()
# check type, need to know which function to call
int_ierr_type, str_temp = psspy.awndtypes(CONST_DICT_3WTRF_WND_HEADER[str_in][0])
# to upper case
str_type = str_temp[0].upper()
# print(str_in)
# print(str_type)
# if error, rasie Value Error
if (int_ierr_type != 0):
raise ValueError('The input string to call up the plant bus data is wrong.'
+ '\n'
+ 'Error code = ' + int_ierr_type
int_ierr = 1
list_temp = []
if (str_type != 'X') and (str_type != '?'):
# call the integer function
if (str_type == 'I'):
int_ierr, list_temp = psspy.awndint(string=CONST_DICT_3WTRF_WND_HEADER[str_in][0], flag=int_flag, sid=int_sid, **kwarg)
elif (str_type == 'R'):
int_ierr, list_temp = psspy.awndreal(string=CONST_DICT_3WTRF_WND_HEADER[str_in][0], flag=int_flag, sid=int_sid, **kwarg)
elif (str_type == 'C'):
int_ierr, list_temp = psspy.awndchar(string=CONST_DICT_3WTRF_WND_HEADER[str_in][0], flag=int_flag, sid=int_sid, **kwarg)
elif (str_type == 'X') and (str_type != '?'):
# else:
int_ierr, list_temp_complex = psspy.awndcplx(string=CONST_DICT_3WTRF_WND_HEADER[str_in][0], flag=int_flag, sid=int_sid, **kwarg)
for i in list_temp_complex[0]:
list_temp = [list_temp]
elif str_in in CONST_DICT_3WTRF_WND_IMAG:
for i in list_temp_complex[0]:
list_temp = [list_temp]
if (int_ierr != 0):
raise ValueError('String input wrong. Error code: ' + str(int_ierr))
# flatten it
list_temp = list_temp[0]
str_return = CONST_DICT_3WTRF_WND_HEADER[str_in][1]
return list_temp, str_return