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answered Apr 10 '0

JbFord gravatar image

For wind machine, you can use machine PELEC and QELEC.

e.g. 302 is the bus the wind machine is connected to. psspy.machinearraychannel([-1,2,302],r"""1""",r"""Inv1P""") psspy.machinearraychannel([-1,3,302],r"""1""",r"""Inv1Q""")

For PPC or point of connection, you should add a dummy branch with zero impedance and measure the follow of p and q in the branch.

e.g. 102 and 102 is starting and ending of dummy branch psspy.branchpandqchannel([-1,-1,-1,101,102],r"""1""",[r"""POCP""",r"""POCQ"""])