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answered Jan 7 '0

jconto gravatar image

Setting up Anaconda to work with PSSe is a little tricky. PSSe v.34 is still a 32-bit application,therefore Anaconda has to be also a 32-bit version (for python 2.7 or python 3.4)

Anaconda install a version of python in its own directory. When running this Anaconda installed python, the path to psspy shall be appended to its sys.path. So in your scenario, above, assuming you open a CMD window or within the IDE Spyder (comes with Anaconda) showing that Anaconda's python v2.7 is running, then to connecto to PSSe v.34:

Python 2.7.15 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, May  1 2018, 18:37:12) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os,sys
>>> psspypath = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSPY27"
>>> sys.path.append(psspypath)
>>> import psse34
>>> import psspy
>>> psspy.psseinit(15000)

 PSS(R)E Version 34
 Copyright (c) 1976-2020
 Siemens Industry, Inc.,
 Power Technologies International                            (PTI)
 This program is a confidential  unpublished  work  created  and  first
 licensed in 1976.  It is a trade secret which is the property of  PTI.
 All use,  disclosure,  and/or reproduction not specifically authorized
 by  PTI  is prohibited.   This  program is protected  under  copyright
 laws  of  non-U.S.  countries  and  by  application  of  international
 treaties.  All  Rights  Reserved  Under  The  Copyright  Laws.



             INITIATED ON TUE, JAN 07 2020  18:06

Similar declaration can be formed when setting Anaconda with python v.3.4 and PSSe v.34 for python v.3.4