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answered Apr 2 '19

jconto gravatar image

What kind of errors does PSSe issue?

Pyhton comes with PSSe so there is no need to "install it".

If the user-defined model is in *.dll format, there is no need to compile it, otherwise a Fortran compiler is required.

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No.2 Revision

What kind of errors does PSSe issue?

Pyhton Phyton comes with PSSe so there is no need to "install it".

If the user-defined model is in *.dll format, there is no need to compile it, otherwise a Fortran compiler is required.

To test that your PSSe setup is OK to create UDMs, search for "User defined models" in the forum and then download the data set to simulate an exciter UDM (example from chapter "Model Writing", in POM manual).