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answered Mar 21 '18

jconto gravatar image

I agree with hunter2. Your vba script is creating a batch *.bat file to drive PSSe with a python script as argument. You can also call directly PSSe within the vba script. But you only have one opportunity to pass a script to PSSe. Once PSSe is running, it cannot be controlled from 'outside it.'

A workaround to execute multiple python scripts is to force PSSe to quit within the first python script and repeat the process of opening PSSe with a second script. Another workaround is let the batch file call PSSe with a 'master python script' that will 'execfile' multiple python scripts, each to perform different PSSe activities.

A better option (IMHO) is to drop vba for python to call PSSe's API functions, so PSSe is not running explicitly but through its API (see code for in the EXAMPLE folder of the PTI installation - C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\EXAMPLE) Now you can call as many python scripts as needed or implement their content as functions within this 'main' python code.