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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

answered Sep 5 '17

jconto gravatar image

The dyntools module is a basic, 'hardcoded' implementation of plotting with matplotlib, where customization (positioning of legends, etc.) is not allowed. BTW, the above code did not work in my pc, so I made a few mods to it:

import os,sys
#---User vars   -----------------
psseversion = 33
folder  = r'C:\Users\jconto\Documents\Code\Python\pti\EXAMPLE33'
outfile = r"bus154_fault.out"
chans   = [41,42]
if os.environ.has_key('PSSEVERSION'):       #STR returned!
   psseversion = int(os.environ['PSSEVERSION'])
if psseversion== 34 or psseversion== 33:
   exec('import psse%s'%psseversion)
   pssepath = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE%s\PSSBIN"%psseversion
   if pssepath not in sys.path:
import psspy
import dyntools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time, datetime

def pltarray(chans):
  # Determine the structure of the subplots (rows and columns based on the number of channels)
  if not len(chans)>0:
     return 1, 1
  count = len(chans)
  if (count == 1):
      nRows = 1
      nCols = 1
  elif (count == 2):
      nRows = 2
      nCols = 1
  elif (count == 3):
      nRows = 3
      nCols = 1
  elif (count == 4):
      nRows = 2
      nCols = 2
  elif (count in [5, 6]):
      nRows = 4
      nCols = 2
  elif (count in [7, 8, 9]):
      nRows = 4
      nCols = 2
  elif (count in [10, 11, 12]):
      nRows = 4
      nCols = 3
      nRows = 4
      nCols = 2
  return nRows, nCols

def plot_out_file(folder=[], outfile='', chans=None):
  """  Plot specific channels from the out file specified and save as subplots on one image.
      :param folder: Folder location that the outfile can be found
      :param outfile: The file name of the out file to be plotted
      :param chans: The channels of the out file to be plotted
      :return: outfile

  # if there are no channels, assume all channels
  if chans is None:
     chans = []
  chnfobj, optnchn, optnppg, optnfmt = [], [], [], []
  # Load the outfile and extract the data 
  outlist = []
  if not isinstance(folder, list):
     folder = [folder,]
  print ' 0 folder=', folder
  for fol in folder:
      outlist.append(os.path.join(fol, outfile))
  chnfobj = dyntools.CHNF(outlist)
  sh_ttl, ch_id, ch_data = chnfobj.get_data()

  nRows, nCols = pltarray(chans)

  # Determine the options for the subplots
  optnchn = dict()
  #optnppg = {'size': 'A3', 'orientation': 'Portrait'}  # 'Letter', 'Legal', 'A3', 'A4',     #'Portrait', 'Landscape'
  optnfmt = {'rows': nRows, 'columns': nCols, 'dpi': 300, 'showttl': True}

  plotID = 1
  for i in range(0, len(chans)):
      ch = dict()
      for fol in folder:
          ch[os.path.join(fol, outfile)] = chans[i]

      if isinstance(chans[i], list):
          id = ch_id[chans[i][0]]
          id = ch_id[chans[i]]
      optnchn[plotID] = {'chns': ch,
                         'title': id,
                         'xscale': [0, 15]}
      plotID = plotID + 1
  time = str("%Y%m%d%H%M"))
  # print os.path.join(folder, outfile)
  # Plot the out file and save with the same file name with a *.png attachment
  print 'folder=', folder
  file_str = os.path.join(folder[0], outfile).replace('.out', '.png')
  file_str = file_str.split(".png", 1)
  file_str = file_str[0] + "_" + str("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")) + ".png"
  # file_str = file_str[0] + ".png"
  figfiles = chnfobj.xyplots(optnchn, optnfmt, file_str)
  if figfiles:
      print 'Plot fils saved:'
      for f in figfiles:
          print '    ', f
#------ MAIN ------------------
plot_out_file(folder, outfile, chans)
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

The dyntools module is a basic, 'hardcoded' implementation of plotting with matplotlib, where customization (positioning of legends, etc.) is not allowed. BTW, the above code did not work in my pc, so I made a few mods to it:

import os,sys
#---User vars   -----------------
psseversion = 33
folder  = r'C:\Users\jconto\Documents\Code\Python\pti\EXAMPLE33'
outfile = r"bus154_fault.out"
chans   = [41,42]
if os.environ.has_key('PSSEVERSION'):       #STR returned!
   psseversion = int(os.environ['PSSEVERSION'])
if psseversion== 34 or psseversion== 33:
   exec('import psse%s'%psseversion)
   pssepath = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE%s\PSSBIN"%psseversion
   if pssepath not in sys.path:
import psspy
import dyntools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time, datetime

def pltarray(chans):
  # Determine the structure of the subplots (rows and columns based on the number of channels)
  if not len(chans)>0:
     return 1, 1
  count = len(chans)
  if (count == 1):
      nRows = 1
      nCols = 1
  elif (count == 2):
      nRows = 2
      nCols = 1
  elif (count == 3):
      nRows = 3
      nCols = 1
  elif (count == 4):
      nRows = 2
      nCols = 2
  elif (count in [5, 6]):
      nRows = 4
      nCols = 2
  elif (count in [7, 8, 9]):
      nRows = 4
      nCols = 2
  elif (count in [10, 11, 12]):
      nRows = 4
      nCols = 3
      nRows = 4
      nCols = 2
  return nRows, nCols

def plot_out_file(folder=[], outfile='', chans=None):
  """  Plot specific channels from the out file specified and save as subplots on one image.
      :param folder: Folder location that the outfile can be found
      :param outfile: The file name of the out file to be plotted
      :param chans: The channels of the out file to be plotted
      :return: outfile

  # if there are no channels, assume all channels
  if chans is None:
     chans = []
  chnfobj, optnchn, optnppg, optnfmt = [], [], [], []
  # Load the outfile and extract the data 
  outlist = []
  if not isinstance(folder, list):
     folder = [folder,]
  print ' 0 folder=', folder
  for fol in folder:
      outlist.append(os.path.join(fol, outfile))
  chnfobj = dyntools.CHNF(outlist)
  sh_ttl, ch_id, ch_data = chnfobj.get_data()

  nRows, nCols = pltarray(chans)

  # Determine the options for the subplots
  optnchn = dict()
  #optnppg = {'size': 'A3', 'orientation': 'Portrait'}  # 'Letter', 'Legal', 'A3', 'A4',     #'Portrait', 'Landscape'
  optnfmt = {'rows': nRows, 'columns': nCols, 'dpi': 300, 'showttl': True}

  plotID = 1
  for i in range(0, len(chans)):
      ch = dict()
      for fol in folder:
          ch[os.path.join(fol, outfile)] = chans[i]

      if isinstance(chans[i], list):
          id = ch_id[chans[i][0]]
          id = ch_id[chans[i]]
      optnchn[plotID] = {'chns': ch,
                         'title': id,
                         'xscale': [0, 15]}
      plotID = plotID + 1
  time = str("%Y%m%d%H%M"))
  # print os.path.join(folder, outfile)
  # Plot the out file and save with the same file name with a *.png attachment
  print 'folder=', folder
  file_str = os.path.join(folder[0], outfile).replace('.out', '.png')
  file_str = file_str.split(".png", 1)
  file_str = file_str[0] + "_" + str("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")) + ".png"
  # file_str = file_str[0] + ".png"
  figfiles = chnfobj.xyplots(optnchn, optnfmt, file_str)
  if figfiles:
      print 'Plot fils saved:'
      for f in figfiles:
          print '    ', f
#------ MAIN ------------------
plot_out_file(folder, outfile, chans)