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answered Jul 2 '12

JervisW gravatar image

I remember using RAWD in the past. Here is how you might do this:'NETA.sav')
export_zones = [1]
psspy.bsys(sid=1, numzone=len(export_zones), zones=export_zones)

             status7=2, # create a RDCH file
             out=0, # redirect to file

That should create your "Power Flow Change Raw Data" file. The next main step is to read it in for NETB.sav'NETB.sav')

I'm not sure what other problems will pop up. Here is a couple you might need to watch for:

  • Missing data The raw data file doesn't have sequence data, so you will need to find a way to export that.
  • Voltage and angle I'm not sure how psse treats the incoming data. But you may find that if the voltages and angles of the new buses are different, that you have difficulty solving