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answered Sep 29 '15

jconto gravatar image

Just bypass the opening of the *.sav case in your code. Then it should work with whatever case in is memory (the working case). If your working case is runnig different processes, then add your short-circuit calculating code to it or youc an call it using the execfile() python command.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

Just Assuming P1 is the python code running the main process and P2 running the short circuit calculations, then just bypass the opening of the *.sav case in your P2 code. Then it P2 should work with whatever case in is memory (the (P1 and the working case). If your working case is runnig different processes, then You can add your short-circuit calculating P2 code to it P1 or youc an you can call it from within P1 using the execfile() python command.command. There is no need to open a second PSSe instance in its GUI.

When having two PSSe instances (in GUI or not), there is no way for either instance to talk to the other to get data other than through saving data externally (*.txt, *.csv)